The SAM Workshop is a major IEEE Signal Processing Society event devoted to sensor array and multichannel signal processing. The organizing committee invites the international community to present and discuss state-of-the-art developments in the field. SAM 2014 will feature plenary talks by leading researchers in the field as well as poster sessions, and a number of special sessions organized by internationally recognized experts. The workshop will take place in Hotel Hesperia Finisterre, located in the heart of A Coruña, a modern city looking out onto the Atlantic.

Photos courtesy of Turismo de A Coruña
IEEE SAM 2014 Workshop Student Best Paper Awards
First Prize Sponsored by IEEE Signal Processing Society
Presented to
Thomas L. Hansen (Aalborg University, Denmark)
For the paper entitled
A Sparse Bayesian Learning Algorithm with Dictionary Parameter Estimation
Co-authored by
Mihai Alin Badiu (Aalborg University, Denmark); Bernard Henri Fleury (Aalborg University, Denmark); Bhaskar Rao (University of California, San Diego, USA)
Second Prize Sponsored by Colexio Oficial de Enxeñeiros de Telecomunicación de Galicia (COETG)
Presented to
Axel Müller (Supélec & Intel, France)
For the paper entitled
Efficient Linear Precoding for Massive MIMO Systems using Truncated Polynomial Expansion
Co-authored by
Abla Kammoun (Supelec, France); Emil Björnson (Supélec & KTH, Sweden); Mérouane Debbah (Supelec, France)
Third Prize Sponsored by Universidade da Coruña
Presented to
Christian Steffens (TU Darmstadt, Germany)
For the paper entitled
Direction Finding and Array Calibration Based on Sparse Reconstruction in Partly Calibrated Arrays
Co-authored by
Marius Pesavento (TU Darmstadt, Germany); Pouyan Parvazi (TU Darmstadt, Germany)