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Master of Science in Information and Communication Technology for Mobile Networks



Wireless networks currently constitute the most dynamic field, with the highest growth rate, in the telecommunications industry. The exponential development these studies have undergone in the last ten years, together with the spread of terminals with more calculation capacity, more reduced size and less cosumption allow us to augur a brillant future for this field.

The training of researchers who are able to improve the performance of wireless networks in terms of transmission, delay, consumption, coverage and cost rates in mandatory if the great challanges brought about by the emergent applications are to be faced usccessfully.

The master aims are:

  • Professional guidance: training specialists in Information and Communication Technologies who are able to analyse, model, design, construct, integrate, implement and evaluate mobile communication systems and networks.
  • Research guidante: providing the students with advanced training, useful for completionod a doctoral thesis.

The master has reveived the "quality mention" of Spanish Goverment and it is jontly oferted by University of Cantabria, University of A Coruña, University of Oviedo, University of País Vasco and University of Zaragoza. Due to the inter-university nature, the courses will be taught by video-conference.



  • Telecommunications Engineers and Computer Engineers.
  • Electronics engineers, Physical Sciences graduates.
  • Overseas graduates with an Electrics Engineering and ComputerEngineering background.
  • Students of 180-credit degrees who have taken 60 additional credits as complementary training.


Qualifications that can be obtained

  • Master's Degree in Information and Communications Tecnhologies in Mobile Networks Joint degree of the University of A Coruña, País Vasco, Cantabria, Oviedo an Zaragoza.
  • Doctor

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